06 May 2011

New pet Apple + old pet Gigi

Apple is getting braver now, spending more time in the living room and actually refused to return to the cage sometimes. While she seems to be ok with people petting her, she still a bit shy in letting someone holding her.

While she's outside of the cage, she would wander around the house, sniffing and chewing anything she can get her jaws on. She would try to play with our older dog Gigi, but she can be quite aggressive and Gigi would bark and bite her just to tell Apple to stay off her back, literally. Sometimes she would play with her chew toy, biting it slowly just to listen to the whistle. But for most of the time, she would sleep at a corner between a cupboard and a table, which has become her favorite spot.


Apple hangs around with Gigi quite often, trying to play with her most of the time. She learned one thing from the old dog, which is sitting close to my dad while he's eating and bark, hoping to get a morsel from him. But of course, dad always give tiny bits of meat to Gigi only and Apple gets nothing, as we tried not to give non-dog food to her so that she would stick to a healthier diet. 
Apple & Gigi banned from the kitchen
She doesn't chew newspapers as much, but anything else is fair game. Leaves, flowers, anything that is left on the floor, she chews. On a couple of times, she stole my socks and brought it into her cage for further chewing. Luckily we spotted it early on. That's why we always try to keep the floor spotless and keep an eye on her at all times. We haven't started house-training her, so she pees and poops inside the house all of the times. At the moment, we try to coax her to walk outside of the house more often, hopefully she's perform her waste-dumping duties outside.

It's fun to have Apple around. Much energetic and playful than Gigi. Of course, Gigi is old now. We can tell that age has caught up with her with her slower movements, lower postures and more sleeps than usual. We had her for years now and is still our precious pet. I would have to defend her from Apple whenever she was bullied (ie Apple being overly playful) and gives her priority on attention. Seeing Apple made me realize even more that Gigi, being over ten years old, doesn't have much time left. I'm trying my best to give her all the love and attention she needs, hoping she'll pass away feeling loved. We were forced to euthanize the previous two pet dogs due to health problems. I do hope it won't come to that for Gigi.

Gigi showing her age

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