20 October 2014

Need I say more?

Yup, it's that time of the year again! The annual BBWB sale is back!!

This year I got a preview pass again! But just like last year, I could only take a half-day leave for the sale. This time though, a colleague will be joining me as she won a pass too.

I might be borrowing my mom's trolley. I never buy a lot of books at one time, but carrying a box around was just too tiring.

Can't wait to see what's in store!! 

14 July 2014

Hooked (and for once, not by books)

I haven’t played any video games for a long time. My first and last gaming console was a PSX (Yup, that old!). But once a while, I do keep track of some of the games that I like or played before, e.g. Medal of Honor, Metal Gear, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. When Tomb Raider 2013 was released, I was pretty excited and always checked online for some photos and videos, but never excited enough to actually want play it, mainly because I sucked at gaming. But when I heard about one amazing game and watched the video, I was hooked and was for the first time in a long time considering buying a console just to play that game. The culprit was “The Last of Us”

The Last of Us is a post-apocalypse survival horror zombie game, but it’s not just any post-apocalypse survival horror zombie game. The storyline was absolutely amazing, it got players completely connected to the characters, the gameplay was great, even the zombie infection idea was more realistic compared to other zombie games and movies. (Not going to bore you with my unprofessional details and definitely not going to spoil the game for you.)

I’ve watched the “movie” version of the game on Youtube, downloaded it and watched it again many times later. The story was that good. Even though I’ve watch the video before playing the game (a serious no-no for hardcore gamers), it’s because of having watched the whole story that made me want to play the game even mor and experience it for myself. True, I’m not a good gamer and most likely to die many times even before getting a quarter-way through, I still want to try playing it. The game has an easy difficulty setting, which is good news for me, and from what I heard, the easy difficulty has an auto-aim function, which is great for me.

The one thing that is stopping me from playing the game right now is money. I haven’t done my research yet, but I know that buying a console and a game would set me back around RM1,000, maybe more. And to play the game, I need to get a new TV too. The TV in my room is simply too small to play any game, even the ones from my old PSX. So you can do the math on how much the whole set-up would cost me.

Now you see my predicament. I really, really want to play The Last of Us. But the financial cost was just so high. Argh! What am I to do… 

15 May 2014


Reading Together by Tom Sullivan with Betty White. The first few lines on the first page already left me choking a bit. 

"It was noon -- when the sun was at its highest point and the dog was at his lowest moments. There was an aching in the black Labrador retriever's heart as he circled the area where his people had left him. If he could, he would be asking the question why. Why did you drive into this park, open the door, bring me out, hug me, pat me, and then leave me? But dogs never ask questions like that, and they never question if they should love us forever, because love is an absolute."

05 March 2014

Correction: Not so great start in the new year!

It wasn't how I imagined how my new year would start. While I didn't plan anything special, the idea of spending several days in a hospital was definitely not what I had in mind.

The story goes like this...

24 January 2014

A great start in the new year for book lovers

In case you haven't already know, Big Bad Wolf Books will be having a Fireball Book Sale this February!!

So remember to collect all the Ang Pows you can get your hands on from your friends and families to pay for the books you'll buy from this superhot sale!!

02 January 2014

Happy 2014!!

A brand new year has finally arrived! It's almost surreal every time a new year came and the old year gone. One moment you think that time passes by slowly and the next moment it's gone before you realised it.

So what's for the new year?