11 October 2013

Have to spread the word!!

It's been almost two months since my last post (so long already??). I guess I got lazy lately and didn't feel like posting so frequently (I admit, two months is a bit of a stretch), but I don't think anyone missed me, right? Ok, feeling a bit depressed now...

Anyway, there's a great news I heard last night that I think I ought to post it here whether or not anybody reading this. I'm sure many people know that the Big Bad Wolf Books sale is coming this December, right? Check out the following images and see if you can spot the difference.

Did you see it? That's right! Instead of opening between 9am and 9pm, the sale will be opened to the public 24 hours a day, EVERYDAY!! So now everyone don't have to worry about not able to visit the sale during weekdays and can even bring your sleeping bags there to stay overnight during the weekends (I think). How great is that?!!

Can't wait for December to come. Even my mom is interested in bringing her granddaughters to the sale too. So I'll have to apply for a leave or two during the weekdays to bring her along as she won't be free in the weekends.

There was an article about how Malaysians are spending too much to read recently. The sale is the ultimate solution for that problem.

Remember to bring your luggage, trolleys or anything with wheels that you can carry your books with. There's no way you can carry around all the books you took with your hands while looking for more, no matter how strong you think you are. (Note to self: Must remind mom to bring her trolley too.)

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