04 December 2013


Again, almost two months after my last post. I've gotten lazy in writing my blog now. Actually spending more time reading, but progress so-so only though.

Why am I here now? To talk about Big Bad Wold Books sale again, which will start on 6 December, just two days away. Everyone who knows about the sale would also know that the organiser gives away preview passes by taking part in its contests, sharing its Facebook posts, etc. Last year, I've tried everything to get my hands on a preview pass but to no avail. This year, I won a pass without even knowing.

It was on 1 December when a friend from my college days told me I've won a pass, showing me a Facebook post linked to a BBWB blog post that revealed a list of 50 winning names. I was surprised to say the least. Apparently, I was selected for sharing a BBWB post on Facebook the previous day.

I was happy, but started feeling a bit sad later. The preview day was on Thursday (ie tomorrow). Being a weekday, of course I have to work. And at such a short notice, I couldn't get a day off or even a half-day off, especially when several colleagues had already booked their leaves on that day as well.

So the only alternative was to head for the sale at MIECC right after work. But knowing the traffic, will I be able to reach there with time to spare? The preview only opens until 8pm. A couple of hours is simply not enough to even browse through all the books.

Winning this pass is truly bittersweet. At times I'd wish I didn't win or at least didn't know that I won.

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